January 2017 Newsletter

Dear Friend,

It’s the holiday season and for many, this is a depressing time of year. One of the hardest things to do is to realize that we are blessed with what we have and that it could be worse.

Someone with a one bedroom apartment is not content with it, because they want a bigger apartment, but there is someone that would love to have a one bedroom apartment. The person with the studio apartment is not content with it, because they want a one bedroom apartment, but there is someone that would love to have a studio apartment. The person sleeping under a bridge is not content with it, because they want a studio apartment, but there is someone that would love to be sleeping under a bridge. The person given two weeks to die of Cancer desires the health of the person sleeping under a bridge, but there is someone that would love to have two weeks to die of Cancer. The person in hell would love to have two weeks to die of Cancer, because they would have time to accept Jesus and have a home in Heaven.

In short, we need to realize that it could be worse and that there is someone that would love to be where we are. There are a countless number of people that would love to have a loved one incarcerated, because it would mean that they could still speak with them on the phone or write a letter and receive a letter in return. Their loved one has died and they cannot speak with them or get a return letter. Realize that though you are hurt it could be worse and that you are Blessed to have a loved one incarcerated and not in the grave.

This is the first monthly Newsletter you will receive and we’re believing in God for a Monthly Bible Study for inmates to begin by April of 2017. If you know of anyone that has a family member, friend or loved one that is incarcerated and would like to receive this Newsletter please email or mail their address to us.  You may submit their address on our website as well. Also, information is on our website about the monthly Bible Study coming for inmates.

We send the books and this Newsletter free of charge.  Pray about helping us on a monthly basis by donating $5.00 a month.  Anything you are able to do will be greatly appreciated.

Yours in Christ, 

Pastor Frank M. Bafford Sr.